The Arts Matter 💃

Ah, a tale as old as time - the Arts are contested! I read an interesting paper by Michelle Johansson in my Masters: Dusky maiden - noble savage: Pasifika representation in the NCEA Drama classroom. Johansson argues that if the students we teach are not reflected in the texts we study, then that suggests that those students DO NOT EXIST: “If books do not do these things, do not reinforce values, actions, customs, culture and identity, then they are dangerous ... If there are no books that tell us about ourselves but only tell us about others, then they are saying ‘you do not exist’ and that is dangerous” (Johansson, 2012).

As a teacher, the characters in my chosen texts/films/plays are the people in society. So white-washing my curriculum is not truthful nor beneficial. Including texts created by Pasifika and Māori artists, with Pasifika and Māori students in my class, means something. It tells students that they exist in our country, in our curriculum, the Arts, life. So what happens when the most respected seat in our country dismisses the Arts and culture as unimportant? 

Well, it means that our small population is swayed to think the same, resulting in less enrollment in school subjects like Drama, Visual Art, Graphics, Dance and Music. It also means less enrollment in Bachelor of Art degrees, less funding for Creative New Zealand, and albeit, fewer jobs available. Ultimately we creatives are left at the bottom of the pile. 

I'll admit that Luxton used the word 'defer' for the Arts curriculum. However, 'deferring' an integral part of the human experience should never be permitted. By giving bias to the English and Math Curriculum, Luxton is saying that academic success can only occur in these subjects - it streamlines what he values as good education. It discourages these future musicians, artists, actors, and creative practitioners, even more than they already are. It's a hard feat to make it as a creative; it is mentally difficult alongside trying to financially depend on your work. The last thing creatives need is a kick down the ladder.

But wait, don't people consume Art every day? Don't people consume Netflix and shows, TV, broadcasting, Instagram, books, music, and their kid's school play? ART is in fact EVERYWHERE. The Arts curriculum needs just as much attention. The Arts get people out of bed every morning, (alarm ringtone, radio), the Arts save lives; they put us in the shoes of others, they further cultural understandings, they provide enjoyment, love, humour, expression, and they enable better living!

So my counterargument is that our PM can try to take the attention away from the Arts, maybe even disrespect us and pull our funding, but we will still be here. We will just be poor and looked down upon. The Arts stand like a dandelion wedged into concrete, enveloped by weeds and refusing to die.  

Moral of the story: All subjects need to be treated with equal prioritization.

Haley x


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